Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Simple Life

Sitting on my deck watching the cattle graze and the leaves turn to fall colors....

Playing with our Australian Shepherd - Maddie....

Harvesting my tomato crop....

Just a few things that make me happy.

School Spirit!

It is Volleyball season here! Our daughter and niece are on our school volleyball team. WOW they play alot of games! I remember when we had Friday night volleyball and football - back in the old days when I was in highschool. Now they play 3 or even 4 games a week! Our boys love to cheer their sister on... the painted War Paint was for homecoming last week - we won! YEAH!

Taylors biggest fan is my Dad - he loves watching her KILL those spikes - Taylor is number 7 and our neice Sierra is number 9.... Go Warriors!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Blessins'

Pumpkins, fall leaves, harvest..... I love fall! And CRAFTS... this is the beginning of the crafting season. Craft shows and gift shows are happening in preparation for gift giving for the season coming up. If you are a crafter and have been thinking about getting your crafts online, check out our website design services for crafters at - I would love to help you get your online store set up before the holidays!