Fall is in the air! My favorite season... has alot to due with the kids are back to school! whew! This summer was a whirlwind of camping, the pool, summer jobs, gardening, etc. We have 5 kids..none of them can drive themselves anywhere so I spend my day running one to work,picking the other up from work, running the others to the pool, picking the daughter up from work, picking the kids up from the pool... etc etc etc.. exhausted yet? (I AM! )
Some how I managed to also get alot of new websites done this summer.... who needs sleep!?!
Check out some of the new primitive crafts , fun boutique websites, and country decor websites we did for clients this summer on our portfolio page - http://www.gonecountrygraphics.com
Here are a few pics of our summer camping trip at the big LAKE ---- ALMOST passes for the ocean to us nebraskans.lol!
Wishing A Fond Farewell to the summer of 2008!